
I missed this



5 Years
01-13-2016, 02:17 PM
Starling didn't really cowar before Lark, like he would have as a child. His blue eyes held steady with him even though his brows did pinch and his paws did shift awkwardly. He didn't like being under the scrutinizing gaze of his brother, but he knew he deserved. He had already been through this, several times infact. Not just with Bass and Lillianna,but he had repeated the same things, the same words, the same anger over and over in his mind. He had lived this three thousand times, so when Lark's unyielding words broke through the air, Starling was ready. He just stared, ears tipping back before he sighed softly and looked away.

Lark was always perfect. Well, at least in Starling's eyes. He had the confidence he wanted, even if he technically wasn't the most confident wolf. He had the strength, he had the admiration. Starling...liked plants. He shifted on his paws again, feeling a tightness grasp his throat as he tried to speak, only for silence to follow. He cleared his throat, still looking away. "I know.." He whispered, at everything. He knew what he had done to his father, he knew first hand. He knew that Finch was missing, Stella was already out lookng for her. He knew everything, and he both wanted to go back to erase it all, and he...didn't want too. But at his last reprimand, Starling couldn't help but look up, confusion on his face as he stared at Lark. He honestly and completely believed that he wasn't needed. There were other healers just as skilled or more skilled than himself. He couldn't fight, he couldn't do much more than dealing with plants. So he looked down again and sighed. "I w-wont leave again.." He whispered softly. Well, that wasn't entirely true. He'd leave, he'd search for herbs that didn't grow in their home, he'd go see his friends in the north, he'd go teach in Imperium and up in Yfir, he'd spread himself around. But he wouldn't leave without word again.

When Lark agreed to help, Starling smiled almost sheepishly before he shifted so Lark could see the bite wound on his shoulder. It was a secret that Lillianna had done it, Bass didn't know, even Stella when she badgered him about it. It was his punishment for leaving. But it looked reddened, and under the fur, inflamed. His body was trying so hard to heal it, but he refused to stop moving, and all the mud wasn't helping. "I-i d-don't w-want t-to go to A-aunt h-harmony...or S-sparrow. B-but I c-cant reach. C-can you help?" He asked softly, lifting his eyes to his brother and waiting. Lark seemed to be a lot like Bass, but Starling really didn't want to bring it up to anyone else.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"