
Lolaf's plots



4 Years
01-13-2016, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2016, 03:08 PM by Selíni.)
Names are links to profiles. 

Selini Elementas☆ Donostrea ☆ 4 Years ☆ Female ☆ Pansexual, Polyamorous 

Selini is a shameless flirt, and a relentless tease. She's very close to her family and especially her twin brother.  She is Pansexual which means she experiences attraction to all genders and is polyamorous meaning she is more inclined to have multiple committed partners at one time. Right now she is most concerned about being left behind when all her siblings find mates and is working towards earning her spot back in the pack.

Looking for: 
Threads with family to help earn her rank back, to meet strangers and expand beyond her usual group. Mayhaps some lovers. 

Estelle Beauchene☆ Argead ☆ 2 years ☆ Female ☆ Demisexual

Estelle is an easily spooked sweet heart. Sporting only three legs she comes from an abusive background but despite what others might see as setbacks she refuses to let herself be the object of pity. She's friendly if not a bit cautious. Estelle does not speak English well, instead being fluent in french. Being Demisexual she doesn't develop attraction to another wolf till they are close and then she tends to favor males, though she may swing in favor of her own sex if the relationship is right. 

Looking for: 
Someone who's willing to teach her English, friends (especially within her pack), potential love interests (though gotta be willing to befriend her first), wolves to help her learn healing and herbs. Exploration buddies. 

Hymn Destruction  ☆ Loner ☆ 3 years ☆ Male ☆ Pansexual, Polyamorous 

A gentle giant, Hymn is the product of a less than friendly meeting between his birth mother and father. He inherited his father's intimidating physique but his mother's good nature. Hymn is a giant bouncing pup in a grown wolf's skin. He wants to be friends with everyone and anyone and despite an early brush with his father refuses to let his optimism die. He has an insatiable curiosity. Recently returned to the lands, notably without his twin by his side, he is seeking out new adventures. He is Pansexual which means Hymn experiences attraction to all genders and is polyamorous meaning he is more inclined to have multiple committed partners at one time.

Looking for: 
Threads with other Destructions as he's still unaware of just how big his family is, to reconnect with family he does know. Friends, an exploration buddy to help fill Psalm's void, love interest(s)

Kyung Armada ☆ Loner ☆ 4 years ☆ Male ☆ Homosexual, Biromantic. 

A melanistic son of Isardis, Kyung is probably the biggest ball of angst you could ever stumble upon. Years of unresolved daddy and abandonment issues have colored his world view to be about as grim as possible. Kyung is only attracted on a physical level to other males but experiences romantic feelings for both males and females. Kyung struggles with sever depression and some thoughts of suicide. 

Looking for:
I'd love for him to work up a network of wolves he can trust, and eventually I'm looking for him to hopefully find a mate of his own. 

Luck Destruction ☆ Loner ☆ 2 years ☆ Female ☆ Heterosexual

Luck is another pint sized sweet heart. She is a bit lost with most of her immediate family having returned to Ahlon but is currently travelling with Bacchus Armada. She is a soft spoken and shy wolf, she is in general nervous of all strangers, not being a fan of social interaction with those she doesn't know very well. She is a hopeless romantic. 

Looking for: 
Threads with family, making new friends, finding wolves who might be able/willing to teach her more about healing/herbs. Currently not looking for love interest plots. 

Soren Adravendi ☆ Loner ☆  4 years ☆  Male ☆  Bisexual

Another less than cheerful son of Isardis, Soren also struggles with feeling abandoned by those he once trusted and considered family. He holds a particular resentment for his mother, Azalea. Unlike Kyung Soren's emotions have been channeled into determined bitterness which keeps him from anything too rash. Soren is hung up on feeling abandoned by his brother who up to this point was his closest friend. As a bisexual wolf Soren feels attraction for both males and females equally. 

Looking for: 
Soren to connect with the Adravendi side of the family, friends, potentially a love interest will get back to you on that one. 

Gianni Scarlatti ☆ Loner (Mafia) ☆ 2 Years ☆ Male ☆ Heterosexual

Gianni is a notorious gentleman, he is ambitious and will use his skills to get what he wants with as little fuss as possible. He is a skilled wordsmith and knows just when to butter someone up or when to threaten them. He has a voracious need for knowledge as he equates it with power. He is a mafia wolf through and through his familia is his world and is struggling to come to grips with what has happened.

Looking for:
Gianni is going to be looking for someone to teach him English almost right off the bat (he speaks Italian and only knows a few words in English), I'd love for him to build up a network of wolves he has garnered the loyalty of and eventually to meet up with his family again. Somewhere along the way I'd love for him to find himself a wife.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]