



6 Years
01-13-2016, 09:22 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage Elementas was a manchild. He loved to play, he loved to run. He adored parties, adored fun, and absolutely loved to get into mischief. It didn't matter that he was pushing middle age, no. But what he absolutely loved the most was his family. He loved to see them happy, loved to see them having fun, and lately that has been rather...hard. With the loss of his daughters, with the birth of Glaciers and, most recently, the flood of their beloved beach things have gotten quite....serious.

And serious was no fun.

So in the light of everything, with the wedding plans on the future and he and Gaia getting even closer together. With the almost his entire family coming together again, things were getting...better. And he wanted to celebrate in his own silly way. So when the thought struck him, he couldn't resist. He hadn't told anyone, not even Gale, though she was keystone to his little game. He and Gale were probably the fastest in the pack, and that was necessary. So without further ado, Volt trotted off to his new favorite rock and perched atop it. He smirked to himself, hoping everyone would join in on the fun, and he threw his head back, calling his family together for a little game to kick off the celebrations.

The Rules

hello everyone! Welcome to Dono's first annual game of Tag. How this will work is everyone that WANTS to join in has exactly one week to post. That means 7 days from whatever time and date you see on this post.
Once everyone posts, Mouse and I will pick teams. Team Voltage and Team Gale.
Then everyone will scatter. Voltage will chase everyone from Team Gale, and Gale will chase everyone from Team Voltage.
Every wolf we persue we will roll a dice or random number generate a number between 1 and 6.
Evens: Evade
Odds: Tagged
Everyone that has been tagged are then out!
We can only chase everyone once, so if you evade you win one point.

The team with the most evades, or points, will get a group table drawn by yours truley showing your awesome tag winning abilities.

Also. This thread has absolutely No Posting Order. Please post once per round, twice if necessary, but you do not have to stick to the arrival order.