
Our greatest fear realized



6 Years
Extra large
01-14-2016, 12:41 AM

He could hear the movements and noise of his family as they woke up in surprise. To the comfort of his heart he knew a lot of them still slept together in the communal den, and they would be side by side in getting to safety. He felt little Ray go limp in his arms, a noise akin to a grumble leaving her lips and he almost laughed. It seemed she didn't take well to being startled awake, through his lips might have twitched about the fur he held there was no laughter in his eyes. His silver orbs where trained on Anais, watching every step she made as they both took their leave of what was once a comfortable and safe den.

The further they got to the opening of the den, the deeper the water got around them. Their cave was slopped downwards, towards the ocean. They got wonderful views, and brilliant sunsets – but now it was a hazard – they had to go deeper into the flood to get out of it! He watched Anais with weary eyes, she had to swim, through Glacier himself did not. He tossed his head high above the water, through Ray did get a few stray flicks of water from his own movements in the flood.

He could see Anais struggling and wanted to help her, but he wasn't certain how to take the pup from her lips without endangering the one he held. The mere thought of dropping little Sera into the deep water beneath filled him with a terrible fear. He froze, paralyzed by the image of Ray sinking through the water, of her drowning just before him and the idea that he might not be able to find her in the dark lighting of the cave, of her drowning inches from his face. He felt sick in the core of his being, and yet his paralyses lasted three breaths before Voltage appeared out of nowhere and nuzzled his love, and gently took the child in his own grip. Like magic, his fear was broken and he could move again, and he was out Anais's side in a heart beat, being her rock and support, swimming beside her, with Voltage holding their second child – a team, working in sync to do exactly what they needed to do as together they made their way to safety.

They reached the Prairie safely, and he spared only a moment to ensure Anais was somewhere dry and safe, that him and Voltage could deposit the burdens in the safety of her side. He turned then, letting out a soft howl to where Gaia had vanished to usher her to the little group he was starting. Then he was looking back out to the ocean, knowing Voltage would be there beside him, that they would be a team as they went back to ensure every single one of their family made it safely to shore.