



2 Years
Extra large

01-14-2016, 12:59 AM

Never met her father? Now she was really intrigued. This was such a rare occurrence, in fact she didn't think she had ever in her whole life meet someone who hadn't met her daddy. Her world revolved around people her daddy knew – their family, his friends. She was just so fascinated, and curious, she wanted all of the answers ever!

Of course, then she had reached out to touch the funny marking, and even as she squeaked and fell she would find herself thinking. a scar? so that's what a scar looked like! She wanted to learn more about them, naturally, she needed to know everything.

Even as she was picking herself off the ground, with a few gentle nudges of help from Lillie, and getting back to her feet she would hear the voice of her Uncle. Instantly, her ears tucked to her skull, and her tail lowered submissively. Her wide eyes turned to look up at the dark lightning of Voltage's gaze. Her mournful, sad, expression perhaps looked a little too much like a pout to pull the heart strings. “No Uncy Volt. Please!” she said frantically when he mentioned telling her father. Ah oh! He was still mad at her for a few other recent stunts she had pulled. What would he say when she was caught breaking yet another of his suffocating rules?

Of course, her sad, begging face sharpened a second later. “I'm not new!” she protested, outraged. “I've known me my entire life!” she pointed out, her logic irrefutable. New. She wasn't new!
Oh wait, maybe arguing that wasn't in her favor, she could have argued that she was still learning all of these rules her father seemed to pull out of ears whenever he desired. Dammit.

“Uncy. Can I get a scar too? I want one just like hers” she said, pulling a fierce face and stretching the part of her muzzle where Lillie's scar lay. After that, she fell silent because the adults had started to speak about boring adult stuff.
