
Crack Bones With Blind Aggression [DM?]


01-14-2016, 02:07 AM

Cypress had truly lost touch with reality. Whether this fight was suicide or the justice he so sought for his wife was yet to be seen. Cy knew that his body was wearing down, and all that was left in him was one last push. There were children here, but thank the gods not his own. He couldn’t bear to think of how they would respond to their father potentially being slain, going back on his word... But Sin just filled him with this raw fury. It had to end one way or another. Whichever life snuffed out... It had to END!

Sin would move away from him, or rather to follow up behind him. Not fast enough it seemed as Cypress’ left forepaw came down upon Sin’s left hind hock. He felt a satisfying snap under his damaged limb. The limp prevented him {Cy} from moving quite properly, but at least the limb could be used as a sort of ram in each attack he attempted on the alabaster male. If he died today perhaps Sin would have a healthy reminder of what it was like to live with a limp. That would be enough, Cypress thought, if only the fight could end there.

But it was too late to turn back now.

As Sin made his move to pull his back end away it would end up displacing Cypress’ bite -- lucky for his opponent. Cypress had no qualms about taking away that vital part of the other, if only to teach him a lesson. But he saw one thing clearly, as he fought on. There was no glory in this. There would be no glory in death either. He’d been a fool to even start this fight. A fool who, in his anger, thought the only way to end this blood feud was with a battle to the death. How wrong he was.

Back to where the bite had landed. Cypress’ top jaws would snap over Sin’s left rear leg just above the back of his knee. Deep puncture wounds, followed by lacerations of a couple inches wide would be his small victory. Though Sin was still trying to tear his injured leg away from him. No way Cypess was going to allow that to happen.

Cypress had, from the last round, successfully managed to get legs over Sin’s head and away from the man, but now that left his left side at a fourty-five degree angle or so towards Sin’s own rear end. Just enough for the other man, who was trying to spin towards him, to have room for an attack.

Sin would end up

As Sin attempted to spring forward, with left shoulder jutted forward, Cypress attempted to finish spinning his body to his own right. Rather than the man’s left shoulder connecting with his ribs {which were now moved out of the way due to Cypress side stepping to his own right} he would feel a woosh of air and a sensation of fur as Sin brushed up alongside him. At best the other man {Sin} had caused some mild bruising with the bony part of his shoulder on his {Cypress’} left side.

Mid attack Cypress would instinctively have his defenses kept in place. Hackles were naturally raised, ears pinned, and eyes narrowed. His weight was evenly distributed on widened limbs. His shoulders were rolled forward, toes splayed, claws digging into the earth to brace his own body. Cypress would keep his tail tucked, his head lowered to align with his spine. Lips were peeled back in a snarl, bracing himself as he faced towards his opponent’s rear.

To clarify, the two men were parallel to each other, with Sin’s head by the end of Cypress’ ribs. Cypress would dig his hind paws into the earth, lowering his head and adjusting it to his right {Sin’s left} and towards the ground. Then he made for a lunge at an acute angle under Sin’s body {aimed towards Cypress’ left, Sin’s right side}. At the same time Sin’s right foreleg would sweep under his lifted left hind paw, barely missing it.

Sin’s jaws would also gain a short purchase on his abdomen as well. Blood would spill from the previous would, worsened to a severe wound with longer lacerations {a couple inches} and deeper puncture wounds {roughly three quarters of an inch deep}. But as Cypress attempted to come forward he would rip away from the man’s jaws and attempt his own attack.

Cypress’ jaws aimed right for Sin’s prized position once more. Not his balls, but his sheath. His top jaw aimed to hook around the right side while the bottom jaw aimed to hook around the bottom and land on the the other side {Sin’s left} in a clamping bite. Furthermore, he attempted to push into Sin’s right hind leg with the bony bit of his left shoulder as he {Cy} stumbled forward on his gimpy leg.

To follow up that attack he would splay his right foreleg forth, underneath his opponent and towards his injured back leg. His goal was to attempt to slam his paw against the limb in the area directly in the middle between paw and kneecap. With any luck he hoped to cause further discomfort and even knock the limb back slightly to jar the injury Sin had already sustained.

Ooc:: I’m really sorry if this fight is confusing as all get out. I didn’t really have much time to review this soooooo... Best of luck Drag! It was a fun fight~

CYPRESS vs SIN for DEATH || Round THREE out of THREE>