
Problems - Open


04-19-2013, 11:29 AM


here was something that even the man could not explain about having his daughter look at him. There was a love in his heart that refused to quit swelling, and there was an adamant desire to make her happy in a place she needed to be. He felt so much like he had failed her, had not been able to give her everything that she wanted. Guinevere's passing, ah, he had not even known she was sick, and he should have known. Should have stopped it. The king lifted a paw and slammed it back into the earth, as though with his power he could split it and watch as more and more was lost. Yet, in his actions, his eyes would turn back up towards Eos and the furl on his lips would disappear, his gaze becoming something smoother. She had no doubt been given his own temper from when he was younger. He remembered Alice. Crusade. How angrily he had treated the situations with two wolves the he had loved so dearly.

Her words, they sounded so much like something he feared she would say. He did not want to see his daughter fall into the arms of darkness, embedding the things it had to say as easily as one laid their head down at night. No, she was so much smarter, so much more lively than any of that, and perhaps, that was why it was so easy for her. So easy for her to slip out and use her tact and wit for other things. Other callings. She knew that Valhalla would be fine without her, and Cairo had a feeling that she could be fine without Valhalla. Without him.

In the most daring of ways it broke his heart, broke his heart to see that what was happening was his baby girl was telling him that she was grown up, ready for the world, ready to accept anything that came at her. A deep growl would turn in his throat and his eyes would dance solemnly over her again. Her figure would dance forward and he could feel the warmth radiate from his body to hers; and her body to his.

I do love you, Eos," she knew it was true. She had to. There was no questioning the things he felt for her, there was no making things up. She was his and he was hers. Father and daughter, eternally, regardless of how she felt about the situation, and about the life she had been brought into. "Valhalla is your home, your birth right, Eos. As long as Adravendi's are here, you will have the ability to return, to take, and to claim whatever it is you need," His blue eyes would sweep over her back and thought she claimed a 'piece of her spine was missing' he had to wonder which part, because, he had never witnessed a more ready display of readiness for the insecurities of the world.