
Mind Your Manners



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-15-2016, 08:17 AM
A dark female would approach after a short wight. Her coat lacked the pizzazz of his own but that in no way diminished her presence. The leader who came to great him walked with purpose, exuded experience, and gazed at him with a wisdom he envied. All at once he felt very much like the young pup who had acted out in his lessons under the unrelenting eye of their priests. He stood up a bit straighter, and when she addressed him he bowed his head quickly, but deeply with due respect. He got the feeling this meeting would be much different than the one he'd had with Surreal. Good, he was glad he got to mix it up a bit! "Greetings. I'm Mithras Aeris and I was dropping in to say hello. I've claimed a set of lands to the west, now known as Argead, and decided to get to know the neighbors." He ended his speech with a genuine smile and a small shrug. So maybe he still wasn't the most professional of alphas, but where was it written that they all had to have sticks up their asses?

He was a fair bit taller than the other woman and he somehow felt that it was impolite to be so. Call it a boyhood fear of wrongdoing or an overactive sense of chivalry, but he was suddenly quite concerned with whether or not he ought to sit down. Was it too informal? Would that in turn show disrespect? In his opinion is was a show of good faith that she would respect a calling under the banner of peace! He opted instead to force himself to relax. He was still adjusting to this lifestyle, sure, he could forgive himself that. But he would not forgive himself if he let nerves get the better of him and ruin his chance at a good impression! He offered her a genuine smile and opined, "Your lands look lovely, if I dare to say it. They have a strong, hardened beauty. Mine are a bit softer, and plain if I'm being honest, but we take what we can get right?" He asked with a shrug. "Anyways, my point is that my pack will be hosting forums on the solstices of every year, which all pack and rogue wolves alike are welcome to attend. We will also occasionally have lessons intentionally near the borders if we would like to open them to rogue and other pack wolves, so your pack mates are welcome to drop by so long as they come under peaceful intentions." He coughed, feeling awkward once more as he realized how long he'd been talking for, but doing his damnedest not to show it.

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!