
Without You [Blu]


04-19-2013, 11:56 AM

?Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone- we find it with another.? ~Thomas Merton

Two weeks had passed since he had returned to Valhalla, and though he was content to be home, he hadn?t seen Blu and as far as he knew? she never made it out of Valhalla?s old home when the volcano erupted. His Blu? was dead. It was all his fault. He?d never stare into her golden eyes again, never hear her quiet laugh. Never see her work intently on the herbs that she was so knowledgeable about. He?d never see her again.

In two weeks, despite being home in the lush pack-lands his appearance had grown more ragged. His once gloriously thick black fur now hung from his skeletal frame in clumps, his fur now dull and patchy. He walked with his head low, tail dragging the ground. His cerulean orbs, that once sparkled with un-shed laughter and happiness, now stared dully ahead barely fixating on anything, a ghost of who he was.

His soul was shattered without Blu. The fact that he was responsible for her death had eaten him alive. Though he was saved Blu from her demonic parents, he felt as if she had saved him if only from himself.

He had disappeared to the opposite side of Valhalla?s territory, to be alone in his own misery. He hadn?t ate much, living on scraps of what he could find, but not really living. Existing was perhaps a better word for, and he existed only because he hadn?t found a way to kill himself yet.

The black brute staggered along a little used trail, his deathly looking frame blending in with the shadows of the trees in the fading sunlight. His head trailed close to the ground, close to the tips of his paws. At the edge of the trees, he collapsed onto the ground, his head resting on the dry ground. He had grown used to the aches of his body, but at the moment the pain seemed so immense.

It?s all my fault?. The thought raced through his head, the mantra repeating itself over and over again. ?Oh Blu? I?m so sorry.? He howled painfully, before resting his head again on the ground, willing the darkness to over-take him. I?m so sorry?

?We?re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we?re not alone.? ~ Orson Wells