
Arsen Scarlatti



2 Years
01-15-2016, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2016, 11:17 AM by Arsen.)
Out-of-Character Name: Bee
Age: 20

Character's Name: Arsen Scarlatti

Character Age: 2

Season of Birth: Winter

Adult Height: 36 inches

Appearance Description: He's a devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes... While he may not have blue eyes, he most certainly is a snake, a devilishly handsome snake at that. Crafted from the hottest flames in hell, there's no resisting this man's devastating looks, not when his silver tongue comes out to play. Deep mahogany swathes the Scarlatti from head to toe, boasting of the devil's fine breeding, proving worthy of his surname. Charcoal burns at his mahogany pelt, touching only select places. It begins with his muzzle, the charred stains swallowing his jaws, working their way up his face until they begin to dissolve into the mahagony around his eyes and cheeks, giving him a charred mask of sorts. It licks at the backs of his ears, making a trail down his back to form a wide saddle down his sides, stopping just shy of his belly. From there it leaps down to his limbs, the mahogany fading from the top to the dark charcoal at his wrists and paws on all four limbs, starting just below his elbows on his forelegs and at his knees along his hindlegs. Lastly the bottom half of his tail, from base to tip, is dipped in the charcoal, giving him a two-toned tail. Ivory, pure in its marks, runs down his muzzle between his eyes, from his forehead down to the base of his nose in a blaze, thinning at the middle and thickening on either end. The snowy blemishes decorate his haunches, starting from a point on his tail, running up to meet together at a point at the base of his spine, spanning out across his thighs to follow the curve of his belly, arching up behind his armpits. His hind paws are dipped in white, but it doesn't go up past his toes, following a thin line up the back of his leg to stop at his first joints. Alluring jade eyes complete the package that is Arsen Scarlatti.
Skills: fighting

Proof of Purchases: N/A