
in my dark times

Icarus 1

01-16-2016, 06:51 PM
Everything came far more easily when he was occupied with.. well, anything. It was the uncertainty that slowly drove him to the brink of madness. The silence taunted him; his mind reeled, straining to fill the void. The slow shuffling of paws, in the near distance, calmed him like a mother's touch might calm a child - his aimless humming grew softer, though was still barely audible, as he moved toward the sound. It had been what felt like weeks since he'd seen anyone, and while that was largely his fault, he found himself craving the presence of another, even if this desire was mostly subconscious.

He paused when the stranger came into view, and recoiled when he heard a faint grow echo from her general vicinity.. though it didn't seem like it was directed towards him.  "H.. hello.." he called out in an uncertain voice, taking a few very timid steps forward. "I'm.. not interrupting anything, am I?" Icarus inquired gently, not wanting to upset this stranger.. and her growling likely signified she was already in a foul mood.