



10 Years
Extra large
01-16-2016, 09:42 PM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2016, 09:54 PM by Nyx.)

It seemed he never went anywhere but the Eastern and Northern sections of the continent. They just felt more like home to him. The bitter chill of the more northerly lands was deeply comforting, though he enjoyed the oceanside as well. He still had more to explore here, and he was happy to do so. He hadn't been to this particular coastline before, and he found himself drawn to it - the rocky expanse that lay before him looked promising, though what lay beyond he was not sure.

He was surprised, once he clambered over the rocky section of the shoreline, that an untouched beach lay beyond. It was a lovely sight, too. The sun had just begun to rise, casting its yellow and red rays down onto the ocean, tinting the normally clear water a warm palette as darkness lifted from the earth. But what really caught his attention was the sudden scent that hit him as he moved toward the ocean. It was.. very clearly of some kind of sea-creature, but it struck him was very strong for something like a fish. Maybe.. lots of fish? Wrinkling his nose, he ambled down the shore, finally catching the peculiar sight of a wolf feasting on an enormous creature. It was nothing like anything he'd even seen, and not one for feeling timid, he began to pad toward the stranger. "Did you hunt this yourself?" he'd call out, his voice brimming with laughter - for it was quite obvious not the kind of creature one could kill on their own, especially if this thing lived in the ocean... "Impressive."