
Time for tea and discussions


01-16-2016, 10:10 PM

Hmm... It would seem that his young daughter had been doing a lot of thinking. Thinking on how to make things better for not only her own family, but her close friend as well. It was something that Allen could say with certainty that he respected. Alna was turning out to be a miniature leader indeed, with a big heart. He could see taking Holly in as an adopted daughter, and though Nona wasn’t here to say with certainty he was pretty sure that she would do the same.

He knew that they couldn’t stay in Borealis forever either, and the thought of being able to go home to Abaven, go home to Bass filled him with a sense of hope. He was hoping, praying with every day that it would be soon. But all things happened in time. He knew that he couldn’t force Bass’ paw on the matter.

“I see no reason that can’t be arranged, so long as Cypress agrees.” Ahh and here came the man. He had heard Alna’s words it seemed, and hearing his voice made Allen wince slightly. Had the other man given up hope? Hearing Holly speak up made him feel slightly better about the situation... But still... He’d glance to Alna, speaking softly. “I do hope this is fine by you?”