
small things


01-16-2016, 10:30 PM

It wasn’t until she heard those words that Akemi decided to take a good, careful look at the femme who had ended up sharing the cave with her. Well well, a sister indeed. Not one that Akemi had been particularly close to {having been more prone to seeking attention from her brothers} but one that she didn’t mind. Akemi wasn’t really sure what to make of the comment itself though. It seemed that Hati was more than willing to tear her apart for his alpha... So why shouldn’t she entertain the idea that Védís would turn her away in this weather?

“Hard to say as of late. It seems some kin do not care for our bonds as siblings any longer... Though I would like to hope that the answer is no.” The femme would let out a soft breath. Oh where did she even begin with filling Védís in?

“I guess you could say I’ve been to hell and back. I’ve had my battles, my wins, my loses... Mainly all staged here in Alacritia. There’s been a lot that has gone on just in this sole land. It is a place where heaven and hell coexist.” Akemi would give a soft snort. “I know for a time some of our siblings made it out this way too. Though lately I’ve only seen Hati... And it seems he’s become a lapdog for the king of Imperium, ready to tear me apart for this man.” Her single eye would narrow slightly.

“Not that our family was incredibly close from the start. Ahhh but I digress. How have you been fairing Védís?” Akemi was truly hurt by what her brother had told her at the battlefield. It was something that ran over in her mind over and over... And that sense of betrayal and heartache left her feeling bitter inside.
