
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-16-2016, 11:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2016, 01:53 PM by Esti.)

Esti sat and waited, expecting a few pups to crawl in and ask the basics of fighting. Esti was wrong. She thought a few adults would show, but not like... a million wolves. Okay, so it wasn't a million, it was twelve- thirteen counting herself- so not quite half the pack, but it was more than she was expecting. Birna was the first to show and earned a sharp, toothy grin, "We'll see, I might take you up on that anyway," she remarked before another showed. Following, was Ash's... friend(? Slave? Thing?) appeared and asked if he could join. Before she could answer, one of the new girl's pups came in and asked to learn too. Esti attempted a slightly less sharp and toothy smile, "Of course, we would be glad to have you two training with us." Esti made the remark, looking at one of the newest Valentine pups as he cozied up next to Birna.

Two others trickled in, the new girl and another of her- how many did she have again- pups. Then Mercy showed, which surprised Esti the most. Her eyebrows raised as she arrived, but she was able to lower them quickly. She exchanged words with the new girl and then gave Esti a nod. Esti returned the nod with a small smirk. Esti still didn't know what to make of the woman, after all.

Two more... Ah- Cas. She asked if Esti was getting antsy and Esti nodded, "Been too long since the war. It's boring being all healed up BEFORE getting new wounds. Makes walking less painful- and thus- boring."

Last was another boy who she wasn't totally sure who he was again. He sat next to Cascade and she raised a questioning brow. Surely Cascade hadn't taken a boyfriend recently.

After a few moments, it appeared no one else was going to show up. Esti cleared her throat and got started, "Okay, in case you don't know, I'm Esti. I called this fight training because we could always fight more and get better at fighting. We have to be ready and all. Also I was bored and thought yall might be as well. So, it appears we have some little ones with us. I'll go over some fighting basics, refresh our memory for those of us who might not have fought in a while, then we can get to the fun part and actually fight each other. While I'd encourage yall to act like it's a real fight, I- by some obligation- need to remind you that in spars we don't actually maim or try to kill each other." Esti looked across the crowd. They mostly all seemed to still be there, which was good enough for her.

"Okay, so does anyone know how many defenses you should aim for in a fight?" Esti paused, looking at the pups, "As many as you can, of course, but usually if you can count ten, that's enough. What are ten defenses? I want answers and demonstrations. If you are an experienced fighter, please share your experiences with us." Esti looked pointedly at Cascade and Birna. She needed them to participate so that maybe the pups would participate and everyone could learn and not get super bored by her blabbing all the time.


OOC: Four rounds to be a real training and get points and stuff so just bear with me. Also optional spars will happen at the end. Next round due MONDAY the 25th. They can be short responses, reactions, questions, whatever.