
I just wanna live



9 Years
01-17-2016, 07:06 PM
OOC: Sorry about the crazy delay, but I'm back in action now and will continue to post regularly!

Xephyris had hardly noticed he'd stopped moving until another wolf came into view, and he realized that the brute was headed toward him. His muzzle wrinkled up, stretching out the wounds across the top of his snout and causing it to bleed slightly. He took in a breath, licking his lips to catch some of the blood, then strode forward to meet the wolf that came his way. His tail lifted high, curling over his back as they met within social distance from one another. He didn't know this man, and though his scent revealed nothing of an alliance with the packs that had obliterated his home, he was still on edge, untrusting. Silver eyes glared, though he held his stance and made no hostile movements; though outwardly he looked on the offense, he remained on the defensive, his expression warning the other not to try anything.

Ears pressed forward at the sound of the brute's voice. A simple 'hello' in a flat tone, and a desire to know where he might find some food and water. Xeph raised a brow. "If I knew, I wouldn't be in such rough shape right now," he muttered irritably, saying more than he might usually, "Better off leaving this dreadful place... there is nothing here." Not from what he'd seen, anyways. The scent in the air was only of dry dust and cracked mud - nothing to indicate either water or food. Couldn't this guy tell by himself? He looked pretty well off. It made Xephyris wonder if he had an alternate purpose for being here - was he a spy, a wolf on a mission of some sort? He supposed he'd find out soon enough, if the man wasn't too offended by his crappy attitude right now.