



7 Years
Extra large

01-17-2016, 11:21 PM
Lark was unused to feeling ambiguous about someone. He loved his siblings, without question. He liked Calypsei and Tinaro, though the first few moments he spoke with Calypsei hadn't been exactly friendly. For him, things were generally black and white. He either liked someone, or he disliked them. His feelings for Lillianna were somewhere inbetween.. no, not even inbetween, but on both ends of the spectrum. Somehow. It made no sense at all to him, and it was easier to ignore it entirely.

He shifted to eye her again as she spoke. She hadn't seen Finch either. Which made him feel partially relieved. It wouldn't have been great news if Lillie had seen her and she'd been avoiding Lark. His brows pulled together as he considered it. "Yeah..." he murmured thoughtfully. He didn't like to worry about his siblings all the time, but the fact that she'd been gone for awhile was a bit unsettling. But then again, she liked collecting things, Lillie was right; she'd probably just been wandering close to Abaven and had neglected to check in with them. "Weird."

But.. sitting and moping about it sounded unappealing. Maybe they could go look for her? Not like.. a rescue-mission sort of thing, but just go see if she was around? It sounded good in his head. "You planning on laying here all day?" he'd inquire, raising a brow as he eyed her. "Or should we go see if she's around?" Her presence was more pleasant than usual, even if he expected her to irritate him soon or later, and she smelled really nice today. He didn't even know why, and it wasn't even a conscious thought, but spending a bit of time with her didn't sound that awful.