
Our greatest fear realized



6 Years
01-18-2016, 01:05 AM
Voltage was right behind them, paddling as quickly as he could while holding the blue marked daughter high above the lapping waters. When he met dry ground, his legs threatened to give out at the constant use, having pushed himself to his limit just to reach them in the nick of time, and again to get the child out of the water. He followed his brother, panting harshly around the scruff in his jaws before, carefully, placing Aurora at his mother's side. He'd press thankful kisses to the child's cheek, moving to Seraphiel to place a lick over her ear before lifting to nuzzle Ani. Tears were in his eyes, and two simple words continued to fall from panting lips. "Thank god.." He panted repeatedly in a heart breaking way before he snapped his head up to locate his rock, his Big Brother, a lump in his throat. He knew Glacier would jump back again, but Voltage would pause for a second to quickly look around them. With a quick headcount, he knew...they were all here. They were all safe. The lump grew thicker as his face tightened, tears falling faster before he gasped out a breath and turned to Glacier.

"It's okay, Glace." He practically cried, too relieved to bother covering it up. But then again, everyone knew Voltage was a very emotional being, and he had been seen crying far too often. "They're all here. They're all safe!" He whispered, taking a shakey step to his brother to press his forehead into Glacier's chest. Now that all his adrenaline was fleeting, he felt shakey, like his body and mind and heart were all going into shock. He couldn't live with the idea of losing any of them, and he had to look around at them again with large stormy eyes. "Thank god." He whimpered again, pressing his weight into his mountain of a brother, knowing he could hold him up. "You're all safe, thank god!" His voice was tight, and he had to drop his head as he continued to cry, body trembling as he just stood there, leaning against his brother. "Can someone show Astrea how to get to the Pairies from the cliffs though?" He half laughed, half sobbed, seeing her in the corner of his eye in the distance.

"Burn Baby Burn"