
Something Different...



5 Years
01-18-2016, 10:28 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The tension of the moment was quickly abating, and Anais sighed as she thought about what this meant for her. She and Glacier were going to have puppies. They were officially starting a family of their own. She would be a mother, and he a father, and whatever sons or daughters they had would need their constant care and attention. She had always supposed she was naturally inclined toward this sort of caring, nurturing role so she had no worries of slipping right into it. Glacier seemed to have his reservations, but she had every faith that he would become more comfortable with the role once the children arrived.

With her own joy returning, she could see the same beginning to settle again within Lior's expression as the petite grey wolf confirmed her diagnosis with confidence and an order to spread the news to the future father. Anais took a moment to breathe as she considered how that conversation would go, how thrilling and nerve wracking an experience it would be. He'll be happy, she told herself, I know he will be. She needed to believe it, or else she feared she would not be able to get the words out. And she knew her brothers would be no less ecstatic.

"Okay," she agreed, taking a moment to steel herself for the task as her sister kissed her cheek, "okay." She could do this. She could tell Glacier that she was pregnant, that they would soon have puppies. She could manage to get through the whole thing without losing her nerve or succumbing to tears. Her thoughts were already beginning to play out the scenario inside her head as she turned it to glance in the direction of her own den, and in doing so she noticed the small, furry shape that she had dropped upon the sand when she first came to seek out her sister.

"Oh!" Remembering suddenly her peace offering, the golden brown hunter left her sister's side and trotted back over to the prairie dog and picked it up gently between her teeth, carrying it back over to deposit it at Lior's feet with a sheepish grin. "I almost forgot," she explained, "I got this for you on my way here."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.