
It fills you with determination



5 Years
01-18-2016, 11:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It should not have surprised her that the male seemed to become momentarily distracted by her looks, but it did. Those she had met of late had become accustomed to them fairly quickly, and coming upon someone who openly studied her seemed to be something that was becoming more and more of a rarity. Did it mean her coloration was no longer something like an abnormality, and that these natives were growing used to the presence of the colorful family that had taken up residence here? Or it could be because of your heat, a dark, rational voice concluded. Maybe, considering the way the male quickly looked away and continued to stare at anything but her, that was more correct.

A bit of dry amusement caused her smile to pull upward at one edge, turning it into a sly smirk, as the male seemed to remember himself and go about answering her inquiry as to him being there, explaining that he was looking for his brother. Instantly a brow rose over one pale green eye as Gale tried to put together this new puzzle, though without all the necessary pieces. A wolf who used to live here...? The only possible brother that she could think of would have been Spot...and he looked nothing like the dark and light creature before her.

She was just about ready to ask if she had the right of it when his gaze finally directed itself toward hers again and went on to describe in more specific details what this brother of his looked like. Tall might have been an understatement for Spot, but he certainly did not have an orange head. None of it made a lick of sense until it dawned on her that the Prairie had once belonged to someone else, another pack that had for long while now been gone.

It was a little disappointing not being able to give good news, and Gale's smile turned apologetic. "Sorry. That pack's been gone for a year, maybe two." Had it really been that long? "I'm not sure where any of those wolves went." None of them had tried to seek refuge within Donostrea, and if they remained she either supposed they had taken on lives as loners or joined any number of neighboring packs that dotted the rest of the land. She bit the inside of her lip as she thought for a moment, and then angled her head to the side slightly. "What's your name?" she asked, "And your brother's? I can ask my brothers if they've heard anything. They talked to the leader of that pack before it poofed, they might know more than me." It was a stretch, she knew, and she hated the give false hope, but she had helped in one missing persons case before. Maybe she could help again?