
furballs of joy


04-19-2013, 08:30 PM
Trying for: Ravine

The dark boy practically bounced along side his mother as he tried to keep up with her longer strides. When his mother's ears swiveled atop her head he attempted to copy her. Still being a pup he was absolutely adorable and rather clumsy, tripping over his paws that he would grow into eventually. When he did so, he would merely stumble if he were walking...but if he was running he did a quick face plant before he was up and playing again.

His attention was taken from his mama by a small green grasshopper, that he proceeded to chase. When it would jump away, he would let out a small giggle and pounce at it. After three or four times of pouncing he tripped on the last pounce and ended up laying on his side with the white tip of his long fluffy tail draped over his muzzle. Rather than getting upset because he'd tripped he simply laughed and rolled over to his other side before jumping up to his feet and trotting in circles around his mom.

After a while Ravine stopped directly in front of Ookami, and looked up at her with those gorgeous blue aqua blue eyes. With head held high and his white ears forward he puffed up his chest and took a strong looking stance before saying "Look mama, I'm big and strong just like papa." a boyish grin covered his little maw and his voice was still all pup.