
The cavalry has arrived



3 Years
Extra large
01-19-2016, 05:12 PM

This was it, she was actually leaving home. Although her mother made her promise to visit from time to time, it seemed like she wasn't wanted anymore by her family, like they didn't care for her, like that familial connection barely bonding them together had finally shattered. She didn't feel like an Agatsuma anymore, just plain Zeph. Who was she anyway? Her past, present and future had moulded into one, making her feel like a completely different canine. Just the thought of starting a new life made her feel like she was in another girl's paws, somebody that wasn't her.

That was pretty much all that ran through her head throughout their trek to the east, especially when silence befell the small group of travellers. It kept her well occupied - just listening to the crazed thoughts in her mind - until they finally reached their destination. The climate around them was warmer with humidity lingering in the air, and as she inspected the flora around them, she felt like she had wandered into an alien world. Not that she didn't take a liking to the region. The hulk of a girl remained silent, only flicking her ears in response to her friend's statement. At the sound of approaching paw-steps, thinking they belonged to the boy's uncle who led the pack, she turned her head only to find a smaller man awaiting by the borders beside them. By the way he carried himself it seemed like he knew them, but how? He was an utter stranger! A look of contempt fell onto her features, holding back a snarl as she hissed into her friend's ear. "Do you know him?"
