
The Courageous Wanderer



04-19-2013, 10:29 PM
Collision had lost a lot of things in his life. his biological parents, his brothers, his sisters, and to be honest he knew that some of them had taken the fate of death, sincerely, however, he could admit that just because they had died ro chosen to left, both of them was equally painful. However, because of the afflictions he had for others, the most prominent loss in his life would have to have been Guinevere. He missed her. So much. His mother. When no one else wanted him she had been there. She had been at hi side. She had been the magic, that he needed. A sigh would flee from his lips as he traveled across the Earth. No, he could not have her back and it was foolish of him to pretend that things could change merely because he wanted them to. Things always went the way he didn't anyways.

Still, he resented Crusade so much. she had been the reason his mom decided to leave. She wanted to be an alpha and so everyone decided Crusade's goals in life were ultimately more important. It irked him, and it made him, quite frankly, very distressed. However, it seemed as though he had managed to get along with his siblings enough, and so serendipitously, his brother Rogue would be out and about.

He could recall long ago when himself and rogue had gotten into a pretty bad fight over the roads they had chosen. At the time, Collision's was starlight, and then Rogue's was Glaciem. It made little sense to him, however, he did his best to keep up with things and the way they were. Quickly he would move in the direction of his sibling and his masculine form would stop as he allowed a chuff to exit his chest in an attempt to grasp his attention.