
Who am I, really?



6 Years
01-20-2016, 04:29 AM
Stormy eyes would stare back at her, a knowing smile on his face as he did. Perhaps he didn't know the specifics, but Voltage never needed to know the specifics. That was Glacier's job. Voltage knew of the emotion, he knew of her curiousity and how she grew. He new what she needed, and what she wanted, and he was intune with her just as he was with everyone else in his family. Voltage knew what he needed to know, and she wouldn't understand it. So he let it be, moving onto his story.

He would watch her curiousity, smiling softly as she seemed to try to trace everyone to their representation, and he knew there were some missing. He chuckled softly at her searching gaze, at her excited questions. "Yes, because it is our history. You are here because your father and I helped create all this so you wouldn't have to live the life we had. We are all here, together, because of it, because family is the most important element in the world. You can grow angry and leave, you can search for yourself out in the wide world, you can become...lost, but if we are all together, and we remember that family is important none of that matters. The hardships wont touch us, and those that are missing will one day return to us, in some way. Family, Seraphiel, is most powerful than fire, stronger than ice, more fragile than frost, and most needed than the air we breathe." He said softly, looking at her. "Remember that, baby girl. If there's anything I ever teach you, I hope its that." He murmured softly.

And then the flood of questions came, and he grinned softly, nodding his head. He would answer all her questions, he would make it all clear to her. Every last bit of it. "Storms is your uncle Arcus. He holds the powerful winds and raging storms in his body, and it makes him very angry sometimes. He grew angry with me, and he left us. But I am positive he will day." He said softly then, looking at her. "The cloud of our story is my wife-to-be, Gaia. You've seen her, I'm sure. Mouse is your mother." He winced slightly when she said the word replace, and he slowly shook his head. "Replaced was not the right word." He murmured, sighing softly. She had to know, because if history were to ever repeat it would be because of ignorance.

"Light and Electricity are my daughters. They were born last spring, and they would be a year old today. Light is my baby girl Illume Skye, and Current is the electricity that coursed through us. They went swimming one day, and an unseen current grabbed Illie and pulled her under. Current was saved, but she had lost a large part of her...her sister. So she, too, left to try and find her." He said softly, shifting his front paws and staring down at him. "They will be back, one day. And no, Seraphiel, you are not replacing them...I'm sorry I said that. You are unique, and perfect, and there is always room for both of you." He grinned a sad little grin then, tilting his head to her. "You remind me a lot of Illie, though. She was a very curious thing, always breaking the rules." He hummed softly at that last tidbit, looking up towards the stars then. "Astrea only knows the beginning from stories, just like you. She wasn't there at the start, which is probably why her story is different from mine. But that doesn't make it incorrect, it just..makes it her own. But, you can trust mine." He said with a wink in her direction. "Like I said, I know everything."

"Burn Baby Burn"