
Who am I, really?



2 Years
Extra large

01-20-2016, 04:42 AM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2016, 04:43 AM by Seraphiel.)
She certainly understood the importance of family – from her very first breath, from her first words and her first steps all she had known was family. She was surrounded by those related to her through blood or love, and she knew better then her own name, what those wolves meant to her, and what she meant to them. She might sometimes rebel against the suffocating knowledge that there where eyes everywhere, and that they all cared too much about her safety to let her break all the rules she wished to... but in the end, she loved them.

Arcus – yes she had heard of him, and Cloud was Gaia? She grinned when he said her mother was the Mouse. Yes, she had heard her dad refer to her that way before and she should have guessed.

Astrea had told her about Voltage's daughter but she couldn't remember if the star woman had told her their elements. Again, it was something she could have guessed if she had let her thoughts arrange themselves. She would hear a lot more about Volt's daughters this time around, and her brow knitted as she put a paw forward, placing it above the much larger, yellow marked one of her Uncle. She was breaking her own rules of contact here, and yet she didn't mind as she looked up into his bright eyes. " “I'd like to meet her one day” she said softly, and smiled at him, like there was not one doubt in her mind that it was a one day and not a maybe or an if.

She removed the paw then, preferring the cold air to the warmth of bodies. She liked to be aloft, and cold, perhaps even a little heartless at times – but it was not true. There was too much of her father in there, too much compassion and love and understanding, no matter how she dressed it.

"Burn Baby Burn"