


01-20-2016, 09:37 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Swiffy
Age: 22

Character's Name: Azazel
Character Age: 2 Years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: Small (26 inches)
Appearance Description: Azazel is a wolf of small stature, standing at 26 inches and weighing in at 68 pounds. He walks with a certain swagger in his step, perhaps an overcompensation for his smaller size? Despite this, he’s well aware of the power imbalance between him and most other wolves, so in the presence of an Alpha or other being with great amounts of power, he cools the act in attempts to not step on toes that could get himself into heaps of trouble. A short but soft coat of stormy gray fur results in getting colder easily, but allows for easier movement and easier grooming. Being rather concerned with his appearance, he tries to keep himself looking as spiffy as possible.

As much as he wishes he could have a clean, solid gray coat of fur, there are markings here and there that interrupt his otherwise pure color: subtle pale silver flecks dot the areas of fur beneath his eyes (although one would only notice them in direct sunlight), his ears and some of the top of his head blend into a nice slate gray color, and a harsh pewter color covers his toes and some of his paws until it fades into the rest of the grayness. Round, tangerine-colored eyes are often staring, not as a form of aggression (although one wouldn’t be the first to take it as such) but as a form of curiosity.

If there’s one thing Azazel could change about the way he looks, it’d be his mouth in general; he was born with his jaw just ever-so-slightly crooked. It’s not a malady one would notice right away, however. His teeth are, for the most part, of the smaller variety, but they’re sharp enough to be dangerous if he really needs them to be.
Skills: Intellect, healing