
There Came A Knocking At My Door... [Gerhardt]


04-20-2013, 02:16 AM

Her eyes would darken, gold fading to a shimmering topaz as he beckoned her into his home. She would move instantaneously. The dame would not have to be told twice. His words rung through her skull. A jack of all trades she had been forced to become, wounds had been allowed to fester, she treated them, she dug the debris from gaping wounds, she defended herself, she survived. Her lips would part, words just as detached as before spilling from her maw. "Do not mistake my words for mastery of any skill. I fought to survive, I sought herbs and poultices to keep my wounds from festering, I hunted to nourish my body. I am a survivor, I do what is required to be done nothing more. There is always room for improvement."

She was not perfect, she was not pristine, nor did she claim to be. She was what she was and nothing would ever change that. Golden oculars would dip in appreciation at his kind words. For a split second, she paused, the limp had returned but she ignored it, her attention solely on the wolf she would now call King. Something burning with fierce determination and an unbridled passion churned like lava within the depths of her eyes. "I will do nothing to make you question this judgement. You have my loyalty, tooth, nail, and body should you ever require it." With her peace spoken the dame would slink away, limping only slightly on her damaged leg. Determined to memorize her new home.

-Exit Elphaba unless stopped-
