
Baited Breath

Sparrow I


7 Years
01-20-2016, 04:17 PM
Sparrow's face burned hot. She stared Ashmedai down. His confidence seemed to be faltering. She waited for him to admit defeat. She wanted him to apologize. Her face held a hard expression, her body stiff. She hadn't noticed her hackles rising along the lower part of her back, not her nose wrinkling. When her aunt called out though, her body loosened to a submissive pose, "Sorry!" she called out softly, licking her lips nervously. Ashmedai muttered something under his breath and Sparrow's face flushed as she shot him a hard look. He turned though and began to leave, his eyes filling in his last glance. Sparrow had no idea what was wrong with that boy. Turning to her aunt, Sparrow felt the need to explain, "I'm so sorry aunt Rhythm... I- I don't know why he's being like that, or why anyone would be like that..." she stated sadly, "He must be some kind of hurt to be that angry at pups... Herbs can't heal that kind of hurt." The girl looked at the ground for a moment. He was mad a Rhythm, but he had been all kinds of nice earlier...

"I don't think he's a bad guy, but I don't think he can heal himself, neither can these herbs, but..." she trailed off, her eyes following the direction the other went, "... maybe words can. I still have permission to be here for a bit. I'll catch up with you before I leave okay?" She went to kiss her aunt on the cheek, "And don't worry about it too much, I don't think he knows what he's saying." Sparrow concluded, giving a small smile. She didn't believe anyone could just hate pups and, no matter how infuriating they may be, Sparrow was sure she could get down to the bottom of it. Turning, Sparrow moved to follow the boy and figure out what was happening.