
small things


01-20-2016, 08:03 PM
Loyalty to their family was one thing that the Hroovys had been taught from birth. That value had not left her, despite the time that had passed between her and her siblings, and despite whatever they had gone through. Védís had never grown as selfish as some might, given their upbringing; she could only hope Akemi had not either. But even if she had, she was still family, and she was happy to see her. She would be eager to give up some comfort for a sibling - though if she was being honest with herself, family was the best thing that could happen to her right now.

Her words were a bit perplexing. She'd likely missed a lot in these last few years; and it was no surprise that some of their kin may have gone their separate ways. Their overbearing, demanding upbringing had probably been harmful to some of them. Vedis would furrow her brows, casting Akemi an inquisitive glance. "I wouldn't," she confirmed, her voice firm, and not without some kind of fondness. There would be no reason to cast a family member aside, not unless they had done some great injustice.

Her words ushered another soft chuckle. "I never knew you would grow to be so poetic," she commented, a hint of laughter audible in her voice. "Though I can say, it does look like you've been through more than I can imagine."  Akemi's ears were shredded, her eye mangled - or so it looked from the dim light of the cave - and her tail was nonexistent. That just covered the major changes, not to mention the numerous scars she bore. The news about Hati, though, was curious. He never struck her as the type to be someone's lapdog. Huh.

"I've been okay," she answered the question about her own well-being a bit tentatively. She'd been surviving. There was little to share; her existence had been rudimentary at best, though she was here to speak of it, and she figured that was impressive on its own. "Glad that I've stumbled across you, definitely. Have you seen anyone else in these lands?" It was a strange stroke of luck that she'd stumbled upon Akemi without meaning to, and she couldn't help but wonder if anyone had followed her here.