
Plug- In Baby <3


04-20-2013, 02:43 AM
The ex-Tortugan had kept mainly to herself, which in all reality was probably for the better, the scent of Tortuga clung to her like a vice. Two toned oculars would display nothing as she glided through the trees. Having already memorized her new home, she glided out of habit, winding through the trees as if she had lived here all her life. The scent of Tortuga clung to her fur still, but it was fading. She had debated seeking Cairo. The Alpha had met her... once. But she doubted he would remember her, she had spoken her name and nothing else during the encounter and truly...would it matter? Collision had accepted her, had fought to win her, Cairo could no longer attest to his decision... not that she thought he would. She did not necessarily like the large brown brute, but she held no vendetta against him either. His confrontation had been with Nnoitra, not her.

Indifference had settled in her soul and she had chosen not to care enough to seek him out, she had naught to say to him other than the simple fact that she was no longer an enemy, a fact that was more than likely known at this point. The assassin clung mainly to the borders, her den remained lost in a bramble, sinking into the ground rather than carving into a cave. She had dug the hidden chamber herself. She didn't dislike company but she did not always wish for it and the den... and her knowledge of herbs and hiding her own scent, served her well when such a day revealed itself.

Today she maneuvered with grace, a few plants clutched between her jaws with grave delicacy. White Oleander. Her favorite poison. She often bathed her claws in the potent plant, it made her victims suffer. Information was so much simpler to extract when a creature was writhing in agony, with a promise of a quick death. The scent of another, fast approaching made the dame pause. Her maw lowering to the forest floor with ease and delicately releasing the deadly plant. It seemed she would have her first interaction with Valhalla's finest...