
Dandelions lost in the summer sky



5 Years
01-21-2016, 04:19 AM

She was quick and eager to get on, which was a joy for the uncle, though he only prayed she would do so gently. A weight suddenly pressed on his skull, and it took him a moment to realise that it was her own head! If only he could see them from another's perspective; why, they had to look so adorable together! Slowly rising to his full height, careful not to wobble and frighten the girl, he chuckled, "Hang on tight!" before stepping away from the rocky area. Gradually his speed increased from a wary lumber to a confident trot when he adjusted to the new experience, occasionally running a few metres to spice up their journey. He'd smile and laugh, letting his tongue loll as all his worries faded away. At first he had no idea where to go, for it had to be suitable for exploration. Eventually he recalled seeing a large alcove tucked away at the base of the cliffs. It was a secluded area that he hadn't explored yet either, bound to be interesting if she took a liking to secret hideaways. If not, then there were the cliffs they could venture upon; a bit dangerous though if he kept a watchful eye out for her then perhaps it wouldn't be so dreadful. Momentarily, as the cliffs came into view, he asked, "Cliffs or secret hideaway?" Or maybe both? If she was up for it of course. There was plenty to explore in both.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

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