
flawed designs


01-21-2016, 06:52 PM
hello lovelies! <3 this will be my plotting thread for all my trashy wolfy children! names will be links to their profiles! 8)

Azazel | Male | Loner, looking for a proper pack to join | 2 years | Bisexual, Biromantic

First and foremost, I'm still having trouble deciding on a pack for Azzie here to join! Whilst I'm perfectly capable of eventually making this decision on my own, it'd be fun if he was influenced into a pack by someone else, whether it be because they were kind to him or because they bullied him into it, or even because Az bullied them! Az, while small, is manipulative enough to be a bully if you're looking for that kind of plot! Vice versa, he's also emotionally vulnerable enough to be manipulated and bullied himself if one is determined enough to get past the walls he's set up around himself (metaphorically, of course). I am also definitely looking for someone that he can attach himself to emotionally, in place of his sister who abandoned him six months earlier. This can be a strictly platonic relationship, or if our characters get on well enough it can become romantic, or whatever really! I'm open to alllll the ideas <3! In the future, I want to bring his sister around just for ~drama~ reasons, but that's a while coming so let's not think about that right now. Unless you're interested, of course! Feel free to suggest anything else!