
Without You [Blu]


04-20-2013, 01:05 PM
Just give me a reason
Just a little bits enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

The dame moved at an awkward, hindered gait. She had three legs, the fourth had been torn from her bodice by the teeth of her parents. She had long since learned to move with the remaining three limbs, but she was slower. She didn't move with the same fluidity and she had to rest often, but she managed. Luckily for her, she was a healer, strength and speed were not something she regularly needed.

She remembered the past year with an intense clarity, and all she wanted was to get home, get back to Valhalla... but she hadn't been able to do that. When the volcano erupted she hadn't been fast enough to escape the lava, the fumes burned the backs of her legs, her plume, her fur. She had been left behind because she could not keep up, so unsteady and unbalanced on her remaining three legs. She did not blame them for abandoning her. The eruption had become a matter of survival and Chronos... Chronos had vanished.

Her heart bled at that memory. He was helping her adjust to life on her three spindled limbs one day and the next... he was gone. Not a Valhallen soul knew where he had vanished too, and Blu could not help but blame herself. She had been to large of a burden too him. She had spent the last year in the presence of loners, a few kind souls who had helped her heal, helped her walk from the severity of her burns and for the past month or so, she had been steadily attempting to track Valhalla. It was her home, her only home. The only place she had ever truly felt secure.

It had taken a week or so to trace the scent and slowly but surely she had followed it down. She hoped they would accept her apologies, she hoped they would hear her out and reaccept her within their borders. She had served them unwaveringly for the vast majority of her life, but she had been gone for so long! Hope blossomed within her that perhaps Chronos had returned. She loved the ebony wolf but she had never had the courage to tell him. She hoped that he would somehow, against all odds be there, but she knew such a thing was unlikely. She was not that lucky.

She reached what she surmised was the border to Valhalla's new territory, she tilted her head back to howl, but froze, when a familiar scent caught her nostrils... a far too familiar scent and for the first time in a long time the tiny dames eyes filled with glimmering gold excitement. With an excited bark, she shot along the border, following its edge and being careful not to enter the territory. Could it really be him? Was he truly here? Had he come home?

The shadow, the thin, emaciated form almost made tears brim in the corners of her eyes, she wasn't emaciated, but she was definitely thinner. he was a ghost, a shell of the wolf he had once been, but he was still beautiful, still perfect in her eyes. She would recognize him anywhere... but he was in the pack territory and she was not reaccepted, but how she yearned to touch him. "Chronos? Chronos is that really you?" Her lyrics would fall in quiet tones but well loud enough for him to hear her. Her eyes were blown wide, tail hanging between her legs, but hope... hope and excitement spanning the length of her maw. She wanted to touch him, she wanted to kiss him, she wanted to tell him how much she loved him... but he was on the other side of the damned border and she could not move to embrace him.