
even if the morrow is barren of promise


04-20-2013, 01:48 PM

Lovatt found his tail flicking slightly, head tilting as he examined the female before him. She was an impressive creature, he had to admit. Her words were so self assured, even as she admitted the hardships facing her. It was something that the male envied. "Those are indeed lofty goals, but I have no doubt that you will manage it." Lovatt spoke the words truthfully, his ears pricking in her direction as he spoke, an attentive gaze fixed on this queen.

Her reaction to his words seemed sad, as if the female seemed to understand where he was coming from. Or perhaps he was reading far too much into a few short movements. Still, Lovatt wanted to believe that she understood what he spoke of. "And you will enforce the laws equally for all?" Here his head tilted slightly, flicking his ears towards her, eagerly listening for what she might say. This was the kind of thing that he wanted in a pack. Enforcement of all laws equally. Fairness. And it was something that Newt also seemed to appreciate. His opinion of her seemed to continually improve. "I am sure that your pups will have a good home, then, if what you say is true." This was a truth, in Lovatt's eyes. This female had lofty goals, but if she could stay true to them, then her pack would be a good place to raise children. All laws equally enforced upon all wolves, with none exempt. A place where any wolf would be welcome, whether they were 'good' or 'evil.'

The male's ears flicked slightly as he turned a thoughful gaze upon the direction he'd come from. "I will ask if they will come with me to your lands." The male spoke slowly, "Because your pack sounds like one in which we would fit in well." Another pause came as Lovatt tried to figure out how to say this properly, "However, I know little of this area, and it may be some time yet before we approach your borders." There. Because he could make no promises. He was not willing to leave his newly discovered family behind, and if the Lentajin Pack did not capture their hearts, then as much as Lovatt liked it, he would not approach its borders. He would follow them. He was not willing to lose these wolves again.

After a long moment, he shrugged and looked back at the behemoth of a female. "But no matter what is decided, I would like you to know that your pack is one that you should be proud of." Lovatt's tail flicked slightly in the air as he spoke.
