
Testing Time (Meeting)


01-22-2016, 07:44 PM

All of it was fine. More or less typical meeting stuff for the most part. Lillie greeted him moments prior, and Shrike felt a bit of warmth at the fact. Sure it wasn’t exactly the most positive exchange of words, but it was something. There were some changes to the ranks, mainly names that were more Italian based. Mentally Shrike would curse. Though his Italian was getting a bit better over time he still sometimes struggled with it, particularly if it was spoken fast. There was also to be a new training regiment of sorts. A false war. That sounded fun.

But then everything seemed to stop. Shrike would perk his ears, eyes widening a his father’s words fell upon his ears. Finch was... She was missing? The news hit him heavy, just as it had his sister. Shrike felt like the rest of the world around his closed out, his mind reeling. Something about this whole situation was wrong. Finch wouldn’t just wander away. Not without telling someone at least. Something had happened. Something had happened to his sister!

He felt like he was going to be sick. Horrid, horrid thoughts began running through his head and the only thing he could wonder now was... Would Finch be alright? Would he see her again? He couldn’t bring himself to look at Bass, his father, and betray his dark thoughts. His worst sorts of fears only just now becoming realized.


Table by:: Eldarwen