
& i dream about you all the time


04-20-2013, 02:02 PM

Standing not too far from the temporary den where he and Morgan had spent much of their time recently, Lovatt tilted his head back and let a booming howl escape him. He had much to tell the female that had recently rejoined his life, and questions for her as well. She had been gone, wandering somewhere where Lovatt had not followed her, as he respected her privacy, but a curiosity lurked beneath those unreadable eyes and he summoned the wolfess with a strong howl that would hopefully reach her sharp ears. He missed seeing the slender white form, though her scent was more stale than he would have liked. The fresh scent of this female had filled his life so much recently that he wasn't willing to let it fade. Couldn't let this last piece of his life fade.

And if he was totally honest with himself, she was more than just a remainder of his aching past. She had grown to be beautiful, but even as a youngster he had thought her more beautiful than the sun. So that was nothing new. He hadn't yet found a word to put to the feelings that he had for her, but they were undeniable. The way his heart seemed to flutter a little when she appeared, a strange sensation for the massive, solemn creature. She made him feel a joy that had been missing since his father had died, and that was no small feat. However he felt, whatever it was this was called, he couldn't lose it. He would follow her to the ends of the earth, if that was what it took.

A breath escaped the male and he slipped down to the earth, haunches coming to rest with a surprising daintiness against solid ground. The warm summer air was oppressive, but the scent of plants filling the air was a reminder that life went on, even when Lovatt didn't want to. He was growing older, wasn't he? Perhaps it was time to stop beating around the bush. He owed Morgan that much. He would tell her of Lentajin and ask her where she had been, and maybe, just maybe, open his maw and tell her his best kept secret yet; the way that she made him feel.
