
Come Take Me Higher



9 Years
Athena I
01-22-2016, 08:53 PM

Leo's ear would flick at Katja's voice when she spoke, a muscle in his jaw twitching at her words. He couldn't honestly say that Arian hadn't made mistakes or that she was the most wonderful alpha. It seemed like every time he had come to see her she had gotten herself into some other kind of trouble. However, mistakes or not, she had still been his adopted sister and to hear her spoken of so poorly did nothing for his opinion of the darker woman. His eyes flicked toward her, but before he could speak Hakku spoke first. Leo's gaze shifted back toward the orange-hued man let that be the end of it. The trouble with being an alpha was he had to put his pack before himself. Weather he liked this woman or not he still had to watch himself to ensure that he didn't bring some kind of wrath on his pack.

Hakku asked him for more information and Leo sighed. "Cypress didn't abandon Arian. Arian was killed in a death match she called herself." It was short and to the point, but it wasn't a memory he liked to revisit. "We can talk more later if you wish... But I am going to head back home now. My pack is located in the East, called Fiori. You can find me there later if you wish." He gave Katja a slight glance before turning away from the pair of them and heading back toward home. He hadn't accomplished much of anything that he had wanted to in this trip, but he couldn't be here much longer. Not with his sister's death still fairly fresh on his mind.

-exit unless stopped-

"Talk" "You" Think