
Fading Stars



5 Years
01-22-2016, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2016, 09:52 PM by Caeli.)

Astrea was about to turn and head back the way she had came when Zori sent up a little cheep in warning before his energy surrounded her. He surrounded her as he seemed to rap himself around her, his paws pulling her close... Astrea wanted to cry... she wanted to run. To not look back. She felt the year of pain and suffering in his body, she felt his sadness and loss as her own, she felt the darkness that still seemed to drag at him... She felt all that and more as her brother pulled her closer, his voice almost pleading with her to stay... But she could not... She had felt that deep well of pain, felt it dragging him down, felt him sinking for far down into the depth that only a shock would pull him out, so she had tried, she tried to call to him with soft words first, telling him that she needed him, that they all needed him still... When that did not work his well of emotion seemed to cover her, making her feel what he was feeling, a sadness so bleek she was not sure how she would survive and fight to live let alone him, she had broken down with him, crying for him and his loss where he seemed unable... Then he told her that he did not deserve the happiness he had felt and that seemed to chase the sadness and darkness from her heart and replace it with anger. So she had lashed out, calling him out hoping the shock that he was acting like the very wolves he hated. It seemed to pull him out a little, not a whole lot but just enough for him to look to the other parts of the family and heal the cracks in his heart...

Through all that Astrea had thought that Volt had hated her, had not cared if she lived nor died, and frankly Astrea was okay with that. She was fine if the only thing her dearest brother felt for her was contempt, that he never wanted to be close with her again. She was willing to give him up if he only continued to live, to fight the currents that wanted to take him under... So instead of staying Astrea had left, she went out into the world again, the dark world that still haunted her dreams at night to do what needed to be done... What still needs to be done.

"No Volt, I cannot stay." It pained her to say it, hurt her deeply. Astrea moved away from him them, putting distance where there once never was. "I failed you and the family, this is the only way to make this better, to give the family back the thing that was lost that day. I cannot fail again Volt, if I do I may never find the light again to return." She looked up then, her eyes tracing the stars, knowing that they may never look the same again, she may never see them with all the wonder and glee that she once had, she could only see the darkness that now seemed so vast. "My star is fading Volt, with every new lose and failure my star dies a little more, I fear if I stop if will finally go out..."
