
Waiting For The Inevitable


04-20-2013, 02:17 PM

he lord was not merely going to sit idly as his daughter appeared and Erani gave her words. Of course he listened uite closely and gave her the completely benefit of the daoubt. He knew that she was sorry, but the focus would become Chrysanthe as the young girl spoke up. His ears rotated firmly against his head and he looked at her knowing that she was upset, angry, and probably disappointed in the way things had been done, "A betrothal in our family has not happened for a very long time, Chrysanthe," he was soft in his tone, yet equally stern, trying to portray to his daughter that he too was caught a bit off his legs. "I will admit, if Collision thinks the Seracian heir is going to be a good husband, then so be it,"

His gaze would flit slowly to the side considering the monarchy that Seracia was. A polygamous monarchy no doubt, "If this Maverick, is a polygamous and will not accept you as his one and only, you better believe I'll be there to get you from him. You'll not be ranked against women you are clearly superior than, and you'll not be a mere concubine or bartering chip. You'll be a Queen, you'll be treated like one, and I'll put my last dying breath into being sure that happens. Into being sure your happiness is secured,"

His eyes would turn back towards her and the male would continue to try and explain things to her in a manner that she would understand, and when they were away from Erani and tensions had been cooled, then he would be able to really get into depth with things that mattered, with things that would no doubt help her understand, "You don't understand in extent the Neo matter, my child, we didn't strip his name from him. He decided to take it from himself. There's no remedy for him. There's no getting him back to us, I've tried. The moment after I talked to him on the hillsides many a month ago, that, that was when he left us," Right after I told him how much I loved him.

"Collision won't harm him, he is merely being faced with the punishment of not being allowed to leave Valhalla, if I hear of anything else, I'll handle Collision myself," His son might have been being a bit hard on everyone, but from what he had seen it was with good cause. "Both of you! All of Valhalla! Dammit!" Never before had he cursed in front of his children, but they needed to understand. As anger burbled in the sire's throat he quickly became resolute, "You're all expecting him to make these choices. Hard choices that I might make, and I might make differently. You're all telling him how much he's failing. Is Valhalla still together? Are we still thriving? Then he's doing something right. Erani, you've done the most turmoil to him, instead of telling him calmly and collectively how you think he should change things a bit, you burst at him, you allowed him to think himself lower. You wounded his pride when it is all he has left here. Soleil is dying!"
"Chrysanthe, I love you, You know I do, but you really need to talk to him if this bothers you so much. Stop this. Act like the mature adult I know you are. If I had been the one to choose out of your sisters would be betrothed, I would have chosen you as well. Why? Because, you are the most level headed and most prepared. You are the first born daughter. Your mother would have been proud of where you are today," Rarely did he speak of Guinevere in their presence, but it seemed to be needed in the events that were unfolding.

"She has lost nothing except a morsel of respect in the eyes of Collision, and even still, I do not believe she's lost respect. I believe he acted in a manner that would get his pride back. You think it's fair to tell him everything he did was wrong? Tortuga...things with them have been sour since before the Volcano. Don't accuse Collision of being the one who made that worse," After all, Cairo himself was the one who had beaten Kaien down, had he not been?

"Chrysanthe, we will speak mmore in private,"