
Fading Stars



6 Years
01-22-2016, 11:08 PM
He listened to her, quietly, his stormy eyes never leaving her. He listened to her so intently, didn't make a sound, didn't even flinch until she was finished. He felt his heart beat hard in his chest, but whats more was the flash of anger that could only rival Serefina's fires. And in that moment...he was ashamed. "Call me "alpha Voltage" one more time..." He whispered slowly, staring at her in warning. He was mad, he was pissed, because she was being so incredibly selfish! How dare she.

"I have put my life to the floor for you. For all of you." He said deeply, rumbling as the fur along his neck rose. "And you are thinking of no one but yourself! Were you there when I lost my daughter? No, you only compared me to our parents. I have been here for you from the start. I have seen your light, I have tried to raise you above the darkness that you can see. I have tried to do that for each and every one of you." His eyes flicked to the left then as he sighed deeply, feeling sparks flicker along his fur, feel the heat at his paws. "When was the last time you asked me how I slept? Don't you think it's odd that I'm always awake for sunrise, yet I can stay up most of the night watching the stars for you? Don't you think it's odd that I have been there for each of you, to enjoy your elements while I flee from mine? You are all constantly on my mind to the point that I have absolutely no time for myself. And do you know what? I don't mind. It's not about me, it never has been." He just wanted to make it clear to her, wanted her to know. Wanted her to see that it wasn't all about her, and at the same time how much he cared about her.

And then he curled his lips, turning his head away as he gritted down his anger. He couldn't handle this. She was acting like a child. "You are terrified of being alone." He said softly then, looking back at her. "You are scared that you are on the outside of this family that you constantly put yourself there. But do you know what, Astrea? You are just as important as any of them. If you don't believe me, after all these years that I have tried so hard to show you that you are, then...I just...I don't know what to say anymore." And he was tired, so tired of all of this. He was tired of her woe is me. He was tired of constantly having to show her that she was important. "The darkness is in your mind, Astrea. You are your own worst enemy. Look to the light, for once, see the positives, and maybe you'll finally understand what I'm saying." And then he turned, swivelling on his paws and stepping away. He was tired. So so tired. "Go then, do what you think is best. But please, don't make me mourn another family member." He whispered then, sadness in his deep tones, stormy eyes set on the ground and a sigh on his lips. He needed Glacier...

"Burn Baby Burn"