
mixin vodka with caffeine



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

01-23-2016, 01:35 AM

After the meeting Leo had called he had gone looking for Arivae and he was relieved to find her sick in the den. Worried, but relieved. He had been checking on her pretty frequently since then and he had finally decided that whatever she had wasn't contagious since he still wasn't sick and she was. He held a delicate flower carefully between his jaws as he trotted toward the den she had been holed up in for a while now. It was bright yellow and small, but it was the prettiest one he could find in the still fairly muddy mangroves so he hoped it would make her feel a little better.

He poked his head into the den and squinted to see her dark form curled up tightly at the back of the shadowy den. He was glad that she was getting some rest at least. He felt so bad for her since she had been sick for so long now and he didn't know how to help her. He wondered if maybe he should leave her be, but he figured if nothing else he could leave her flower for her. He squeezed through the entrance of her den and quietly stepped over to her, placing the flower near her nose. He started to back out of the den again, but the more he looked at her sleeping the more he just wanted to stay. He smiled a little and settled himself on his stomach. He rested his head on his front paws, his nose maybe a foot or so from hers with the little gift he had brought for her resting between them. He watched her sleep with a little smile on his lips, content to lay here as long as she kept sleeping.

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