
Fading Stars



6 Years
01-23-2016, 02:04 AM
Reguardless of it all, reguardless of the anger that swelled within him, despite the white hot heat that flared in his chest, he still loved her. Above everything, Voltage was always a family man, and he would always put himself aside to be there for his siblings. So the moment that he heard her soft voice, heard those gentle sniffles, he sighed and stopped. Slowly he lifted his eyes, turning towards her. She was bent in half, crying and he knew he had struck a nerve. For a moment he stared, listening to her quiet but broken apologies. He didn't quite regret saying it to her. Sometimes they all got lost in their own pain that they forgot to really...see what was real. For a girl that constantly looked to little fires in the sky, she certainly lived in the darkness. Stormy eyes would soften as he turned fully towards her, just staring at his youngest sister.

She didn't understand, really. She couldn't! She could say that she did, but she wouldn't know exactly what Voltage and Glacier had been through, what they dealt with every day. Just like he wouldn't know exactly what she was going through. And that was okay, that was how it was supposed to be. He was happy she didn't face the challenges he had in his life. And he sympatized with her, because he knew darkness. He knew lonliness. He could understand her feelings. So he sighed, a small smile touching his face as he stepped towards her.

Gently, he'd lift a paw to push her chin up. "I am probably the most emotional wolf in existance." He said softly, just looking down at her. And it was a good thing. He might not be the clearest thinker, but he felt everything. "So if you ever think no one knows what you feel, you are very wrong. I know everything." All sign of anger had fled, and his eyes were just soft as he looked down at his sister. "We all get caught up in our own troubles that we forget sometimes, to ask how you are doing. Just like you might forget to ask us. But you must never forget, that we love you so much and you are never alone." His voice was deep, soft, his best big brother voice. "Thank you for looking for my daughter, Astrea. But I think it's time for you to stay home. It's spring, and we are going to be having a wedding here. I want you there and I don't want you tired." He'd step forward to envelope his sister in his embrace, sighing so softly as he rested his cheek against hers. "Why don't we go to the cliffs. You can tell me a story, hmm?"

"Burn Baby Burn"