
[Claiming] An Omen In The Stars



7 Years
Athena I

01-23-2016, 02:51 AM

Her mother began speaking soon after she arrived and she was forced to take her attention away from Faite so she could focus on what was being said. When Surreal began giving ranks to a select few, she wasn't surprised that Kavdaya was named as one of the master healers. Of course their father would hold the rank specifically designated for him and she wasn't even surprised that Regulus was named the Future. He was obviously the most suited for that kind of role out of their siblings. She was a little sad that she hadn't been given anything important though, after keeping their father alive while Reg and mother were gone and helping to tend to mother and Reg with their sicknesses the last few seasons. She shrugged it off. She was sure mother didn't mean anything by it and she had been a little scarce lately...

"I would like to be a healer," she said simply when her mother opened the floor for them speak their preferred ranks. It was an obvious one for her, but she figured she might as well give her an answer either way. She pondered some things to do for traditions and she added, "I think weddings would be nice to have for those that want them... And I think a celebration of some kind to celebrate the day we formed as a pack would be fun as well." Moments later she heard her younger sister calling after Tornach and she looked over to see her albino sibling looked very distraught, staring after the retreating form of her youngest brother. She frowned at the scene and got up to go over to Baine, sitting beside her and nudging up her muzzle gently with her own. "It's okay. Let him go," she whispered quietly before glancing up at her parents.

"Talk" "You" Think