
mixin vodka with caffeine



2 Years
01-23-2016, 10:46 AM
It was only until Tiburtius lowered down onto his belly that she was roused awake. Usually she was able to detect the slightest noise outside of her den, but being ill had anchored her into a state of exhaustion that kept her from hearing the small things. Even the flower had gone unnoticed until she forced her eyes open.

Arivae tipped her head back and let out a small yawn, her ears pinning against her head and her jaws splitting open. Now she wouldn't have done this in front of Tiburtius if she had known he was sitting right there. Her mouth probably wasn't as pretty as her face. A small whine-like noise left her, followed by a rather upset sigh as she finished her yawn. She didn't want to be awake unless Leo needed her to babysit his kids. Or if another meeting was being called. She'd sprint there if she had to! But instead, sitting before her was her massive best friend, who she was more than happy to see.

She had almost forgotten about him in the midst of being sick and worried about pack things. Arivae smiled and scooted forward enough so she could reach him. Of course she tried to avoid the flower, but she wanted to be as close to Tiburtius as possible. Even if she was worried she'd get him sick, she wanted to feel him close to her so bad. It had been so long, after all. "You don't know how happy I am to see you." She whispered, the tip of her tail wiggling gently. She leaned forward and kissed his nose, before stretching a paw out and bringing his gift to her chest. The girl admired it silently. It was small and yellow, but she loved it to death. She nuzzled it like it was her child and looked back up at Tiburtius with a grateful smile.