
hell in a handhold



7 Years

01-23-2016, 03:36 PM

He saw the boy wince, and Bass let out a long drawn sigh. He should have guessed that Ren had been flooded in on all other sides, but it was hard to get passed the mud and water. And very dirty. It was even more scary to navigate the lands, sink holes had started to pocket their way into the rapids from the flow of the water and the depth of the mud, one had to walk pretty carefully around there. He didn't want anyone coming to these parts, which was more in tune with his irritation. But as soon as the boy spoke of being alpha, he understood the reason why he had come. Blinking in alarm his head tilted to the side, it had only been a few weeks since he had met his mother at the borders. "Well, I hope that everything is okay. But you know, I was your age when I started up Abaven all on my own. If you have any questions, you know where I am." He said softly, his features losing all harder touches. He knew what it was like to be young and in charge, wondering if any wolf would respect him because of his age. But he was still here, still alpha after all of these years.

When asked of pack relations, Bass hummed thoughtfully. "Abaven has always had an understanding with your pack, all the way back to when Arian was alphess. It makes sense that we are to continue it. Have you changed the ideals and workings of Borealis from what it was before?" He asked, curiosity alight in his golden gaze. He would not promise an alliance right away, he needed to know how the boy planed to run his pack, and from there if the two of them could even gain anything from an alliance. Abaven was a pack that was supposed to stand on mutual grounds with all packs, they were there for others to gain assistance off of. But that wasn't always the case, he couldn't expect to get along with everyone.

"Talk" "You" Think