
Searching For...


01-23-2016, 07:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2016, 08:10 PM by Ren.)
Pickings had been slim as she had traveled. With the flooding it has seems to make prey scatter and make hunting more difficult. She had reverted into her old ways, becoming an opportunistic hunter and even a scavenger. It had kept her fed and kept her going among her travels. She had made it across Ala and her next step was to start looking towards packs to see if any got her interest. If not she didn't know what her next step was. So far the female had only come across a few faces, but so far none she had formed any real relations with. It made her wonder where all the others wolves were? Maybe the change in seasons had them all preoccupied. She wasn't one the really long for attention from others, but the past few days she had found herself missing the company of her family.

She hadn't slept well the past few nights and she was beginning to feel the drag of lack of sleep. It wasn't always easy living as a loner, but that was something she expected. It had never been easy living life in the harsh North, but she had survived to become who she was today. The scarred female pushed through the long grass moving along at an easy pace.