
Always bringing home strays



1 Year
01-23-2016, 08:11 PM
She was in quite a lot of pain, more than she could understand. It thrumbed in her ears, deep and echoing. She barely reacted when someone new showed up, blue unfocused eyes turning towards the woman. This stranger wasn't as tall as Valentine was, and for some reason that made her feel...better. It was oddly comforting and she stared up at the woman before groaning and closing her eyes. Her ears flicked at the comment, and she couldn't help but be curious. What did she mean? Long lost daughter.....she slid her eyes open slowly as Valentine hushed the woman...Cascade, huh? She'd have to ask about that later when she wasn't in so much pain.

When he turned to her and told her to tell this Cascade what was wrong, she groaned. "Is "everything" an okay answer?" She whispered before tilting her head slightly so she can look up at this woman a bit better. " side, my head...It hurts to keep my eyes open." She whispered bravely, her voice shaking in her pain as she closed her eyes tightly again, the light getting into them. "I f-feel like I've been thrown off a cliff..." Her soft voice was weak, tired as she tried to shift, whimpering as she did. Luckily, there was nothing severely broken. All four limbs were, well, intact, but she may have fractured a rib or two. Bruises littered her little frame, and lacerations cut long her shoulders, sides and legs that had been washed out with sea water. But the pain in her head was so severe that if she had any healing knowledge she would know it was a concussion. "I feel all woozy..." She whispered, her teeth gritting as a wave of pain washed over her.

"Talk" "You" Think

*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.