
The cavalry has arrived



3 Years
Extra large
01-24-2016, 04:13 AM

Already she had gotten off on the wrong paw with someone. This someone did happen to know Riv, and was actually once part of Sonticus. Sheesh, everyone was flocking to Fiori. If they weren't a sibling they were a friend or former pack-mate or pet rabbit...seemed like this was Fiori's lucky day. Her ears flicked as the man spoke in a cold rumble, addressing her as little girl. Those words made her skin crawl and insides boil with seething fury. Little girl? Look who was talking! Oh, she'd show him a little girl. Don't do it, her thoughts pleaded. He's not worth your breath. How stupid would you look in a fight on the borders anyway? Looking away from him, she looked down at her green paws as she flexed her claws irritably, quietly grumbling to herself. It wasn't over. She wouldn't go down so quietly.

Momentarily the boy's uncle arrived, which lifted the dark thoughts off her mind. The smaller man appeared quite surprised with their little gathering, though in a cheery way nonetheless. Before she could open her mouth to introduce herself, Riv bet her to it and introduced her and the other male - Xephyris. I can speak for myself, she wanted to hiss but decided to calm herself yet again. "Zephyra," she introduced with a dip of her head. She wasn't a fan of this formal stuff to be honest. "Daughter of Marina Agatsuma and a friend of Riv." Hopefully the orange alpha knew of her mother. After all they were both leaders, and the woman was one many never forgot.  
