
carve your name [challenge]

Absinthe 1

01-24-2016, 06:33 PM

She knew nothing of her best friend's plans, but she figured it out pretty damned quickly to be nothing good. An aggravated sigh slipped from between ebony lips as she lurched to her feet. The call was for Leo, which could mean any number of things. Was Bacchus angry that they'd been kicked out of the pack a few seasons back? Did he seek retribution? There was not saying for sure yet. If he'd been considering this lately, her best friend had been keeping it to himself. That was alright, it would be unrealistic for her to imagine that they would share everything now, if they hadn't before. Spring had fallen upon the land, marking her as a yearling no more, but an adult, a woman. Her first heat clung to her skin like a spring shed, itchy and overwhelmingly warm. The battlefield wasn't far. Alabaster toes pulled her forth with a graceful and elegant stride, as she sought out Bacchus. Her head was held high, tail swaying behind her as she walked. Violet hues glimmered in the early morning light, spring mist clinging to the earth like a lacy shawl. She'd found her Bacc again, and even though he wasn't the same as before, she still loved him with every piece of her taped together heart. She wouldn't lose him again, no matter what that meant. She'd never been to the battlefield, but there wasn't a soul in Alacritia that didn't know of it, or its whereabouts.

She arrived like a lingering cloud, floating through and sweeping over the grass with ease. Her best friend was perched atop a boulder, standing tall like a king. He shone in the dawn, coat glinting resplendent. She smirked up at him, quirking a brow. She wasn't the first to arrive. There was a rust hued man there, who seemed familiar with Bacchus. He was just as big as her best friend, but far thinner, made up of savage angles and narrow bones. She thought he was a rather stunning creature, the way his eyes stood out from this distance. Had he made all these friends while she was wandering around looking for him? Oh, wonderful. There was a pang of aggression in her chest. She wasn't used to being anything other than Bacc's very best friend. She wasn't sure she liked it. A tiny little creature, with a coat like chocolate and a mask of ivory over her features was sitting nearby. She looked like a porcelain doll, all soft edges and gentle curves. The lavender femme could smell her friend on the girl's coat. Who was this, a girlfriend he'd picked up along the way? Her cream stained features became cold as she settled an icy gaze upon the girl. The corner of her lip curved upward in a silent snarl as she approached.

She assumed a seat among the others regardless, curious to know what was going on in the mind of her friend. There was something different about him today. His gaze was darkened, expression stoic. What was whirling around in his mind right now? A slow breath shuddered from her lungs as she wrapped her tail about her pallid toes. Today was going to signal a change of some sort, and she was ready to witness it. It had been some time since she had seen Leo, and the others in Fiori. Surely some of them would come with him to witness this event. Did they think she was dead? No, most likely not. She'd lingered close to the territory for awhile, someone must have figured it out. Settling onto her haunches, the lilac she wolf waited.
