
Without You [Blu]


04-20-2013, 04:06 PM
?Where there is love, there is life.? ?Ghandi

Blu, the most beautiful wolf in the world to him, had come back to Valhalla. In the heart-beats before she had jumped towards him, he tried to think of what to say and came up blank. He just wanted to touch her. When she jumped into him, his flimsy frame supported her extra weight for just a few moments before he crashed to the ground, wrapping her in his paws and licking her tenderly. He inhaled her scent deeply, memorizing it, and caressed her with gently licks, nips, and kisses. She was alive. She was real.

He pulled his head away from her, and looked up at her tenderly. He wanted to say so much, had so much to tell her. Words and promises that he never made before he disappeared; he could literally feel the void in his heart lift. That feeling alone was probably the most comforting and most powerful feeling, of course second to his love for the lady on top of him. Again, he buried his muzzle in her fur, before pulling away again to tenderly lick her muzzle. Finally he readied himself to speak.

?Blu? I?m so sorry? I?m so sorry? I love you, Blu. Do you hear me? I love you more than I love life itself and I can?t imagine living in a world that you don?t exist in. I want to spend the rest of my days with you. I want to spend every waking moment with you, because you, you beautiful wolf deserve that and so much more. I love you, Blu, I always have and when I thought I?d never get to tell you just how much I loved you.. I didn?t think I would survive.? He touched his nose down gently to hers, looking at her with his beautiful eyes willing her to believe him.

A small tear trickled from his black face as he opened his mouth again, ?You are my strength, and you are the strongest wolf I have ever known. You are so much stronger than me or anyone else, I love you. I?d give my life in a heartbeat to protect you?. I love you.? He felt so much lighter after finally sharing the words that had been on his heart since damn near day one. He loved her, absolutely. In such a way that was terrifying but he could jump from that cliff if she?d jump with him. He?d go to hell and back to follow her, after all, they were the kind of couple that humans wrote love songs about.

?At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.? -Plato